sound sculpture / installation (2020)
2 floor monitors
2 loudspeakers on stands covered with a cloth
2 tape devices in boxes with stone plate front and bluetooth loudspeakers
sound sculpture / installation (2020)
2 floor monitors
2 loudspeakers on stands covered with a cloth
2 tape devices in boxes with stone plate front and bluetooth loudspeakers
Two electro-mechanical devices are hanged on two opposing walls (left and right). The 1/4inch tape runs down slowly from each of them, pilling up on the floor. Each device is a box with a marble plate and imbedded loudspeaker. The tapes leak gently to the floor with pauses in between and after a while, each at its own time, they are being rewinded. The process repeats endlessly. Opposing the entrance, there is an object covered with a massive beige cloth. Underneath there are two loudspeakers. At the back of the room, left and right from the entrance, there is a sound coming from two floor monitors. The sound from the back fills up the room like the light.
Photos from the exhibition opening at the Weisser Elefant gallery, Berlin , 2020
Audio mix (preview) of the individual elements from the installation
Background sound is played through the floor monitors, stereo, and they are placed on your left and right as you enter the room. This sound fills up the space like the light and opens it up beyond the walls of the gallery space, implying a reverberant, large, empty room/hall. The sound is composed by layering the multitude of oscillators coming from the EMS Synthi 100, covering each part of the spectra. The sound played through the speakers in front (which are covered by the cloth), are rumbling sonic artefacts that should appear to be almost tangible and "real", as if something is moving beneath the cloth. Devices hanging on opposing sides of the wall are winding down and up the tape. They are sonified from the back of box by the bluetooth loudspeakers playing samples of the pre-recordedd working procedures on the reel-to-reel tape recorder.