instrument/composition for 4 players (2023)
instrument/composition for 4 players (2023)
Table book is an instrument/composition for multiple performers. Square-shaped, in a form of a table, the instrument is constructed so to provide great performative and expressive possibilities by combining amplified analogue and digital sound. It is hybrid in every sense - except for diverse amplification and processing solutions, it contains automated part which can play autonomously from the performers. The resulting sound is presented through a triangular speaker setup.
The work is inspired by the concept of “table-books” - scores which were used most notably in 16th and 17th century, printed so that the music could be read by the musicians sitting around the table. Individual parts were rotated differently on a single paper and this resulted in the unusual layout of the score. These scores reflect, most importantly, the power of joint musicianship and purpose of the music to be performed as part of everyday life, in the time long before individualised modes of listening took over. My wish was to implement both practical and conceptual features of this historical reference into the work.
Premiered at Walcheturm, Zürich , PROGR, Bern, Kaserne, Basel
May 2023
May 2023
The instrument is a score. It is divided into 4 sections for live performers, and 1 automated section in the middle of the table. Each player has 4 or more table sections with different objects, that he/she can play, and for each of the sections there are couple of modes of playing. These sections are notated (on the table itself as well), with letters A, B, C, D…Final score is a combination of different scenes. Each scene consists of certain combination of sections by different players. The layout for notating ways of interaction, uses physical construction of the instrument as a foundation. The score can change from performance to performance, and for this reason empty templates could be printed out and given to the performers. The piece can be between 15 - 23min. long.
This version of the work, performed in Bern, Zürich and Basel in 2023, was developed in a close collaboration and together with Roberto Maqueda and Miguel Garcia.
Instrument development
Ensemble Container:
Sara Mendez
Roberto Maqueda
Haize Lizarazu
Miguel Ángel García
Sara Mendez
Roberto Maqueda
Haize Lizarazu
Miguel Ángel García